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Hope Is Where the Heart Is

We are fundraising in the hope to take Kayden to America for his Ear Reconstruction Surgery when he is 5 years old.



Kayden was born 20th May, 2017.

We need your help to take Kayden to America for his Ear Reconstruction Surgery when he is 5 years old.
We are awaiting for an MRI scan to confirm what procedures can be done within his Ear Reconstruction Surgery.


However the cost will be no less than $180,000 AU.

We have 2 years to reach our goal, we will be running events, selling books and teddy bears dedicated to Kayden.

Any donations are appreciated.

You can follow Kayden's Facebook Page or if you prefer


you can also donate on this site above.

Kayden has already been through 2 surgeries for his cleft lip and his palate, before he was 18months.

He will have future surgeries to do with his jaw reconstruction, this will be on going til he is at least 18 years old, we have been informed. Once jaw reconstruction is complete, he will possibly need to get his ear realigned.

There are possible other surgeries he may need depending on his growth and development.

The excitement of the birth of our first baby was short-lived as upon initial examination by the doctors and a brief hello to his parents, he was rushed to Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit. This was quite a shock for us, as nothing had been picked up on our scans throughout the pregnancy.

The doctors could not tell us anything while in hospital. We were left to wonder and search google from the maternity hospital bed. In fact, no medical professionals could tell us anything about

his condition for at least 6 months after he was born.

As new parents, this was very confronting and we felt utterly helpless and lost. Within the first week of our son’s life, we watched him endure so much testing. It was so heartbreaking and in turn made us, as parents feel entirely useless. To try and help diagnose the cause of his condition we had genetic testing done, but nothing was

found and his symptoms were put down to pot luck.

Kayden failed his hearing tests at Princess Margaret Hospital and as a result he was referred to the Australian Hearing clinic. What confronted us after arriving home from hospital was countless appointments with Ear Nose and Throat, Australian Hearing, Pediatricians, Geneticist, Plastics Surgeons and many sleepless nights worrying about our son sleeping through the night as he spluttered, wheezed and coughed due to his

mouth and nasal passages being open.

The Pediatrician Geneticist finally diagnosed Kayden at around 6 months old with

Goldenhar Syndrome which in basic terms means the following:
Kayden was born with a cleft lip and double cleft palate, he has an extra vertebrae and fused bones in his neck, an underdeveloped jaw on his right hand side, no right ear canal and a severely underdeveloped right ear and also other issues that are still ongoing.

We have dedicated a lot of our time to researching, speaking to a variety of specialists, joining communities and organisations to find the best options for Kayden’s life changing ear reconstruction surgery. We want to prevent any social and psychological difficulties that children with Microtia can experience, particularly bullying as we know how much that can impact on a child, having both ears is detrimental to prevent this.

To do this we will need to take Kayden to America for the most successful surgery where they specialise in the Medpor technique, which minimises the number of surgeries and recovery time. Australia is at least 10 years behind this type of surgery. It also allows us to have a bone conductor implanted at the same time,

rather than another surgery to do this.

Any donation you can make no matter how small will make a significant difference to Kayden’s well being & future development.

Anyone wanting to sponsor Kayden's fundraiser we would love to hear from you and open to ideas and suggestions. or message us on Facebook

We really appreciate everyone’s love and support.

We Thank you!

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